
What is Psoriasis?


The skin condition psoriasis causes thick, irritable patches of red, flaky skin that are covered in silvery scales. The patches usually appear on the lower back, elbows, and scalp but they can also occur anywhere else on the body. It can affect nails or joints and be mild, severe or moderate. The condition is not contagious but can be very embarrassing. The symptoms of this condition can be intermittent, but there are several treatments that can control them.

Psoriasis has no known cause, but it is believed to be caused by a problem in the immune system. White blood cells, which normally destroy bacteria and other germs that invade the body, attack healthy skin. The cells grow faster than usual, and are pushed to the surface in thick, scaly, plaques. Plaques can be so irritable and painful that they crack, bleed and itch. Scaling is a sign of psoriasis and it can vary depending on its type. Some psoriasis types have a yellowish hue, while others may appear more grey or dark.

Psoriasis patients are at heightened risk for other diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, anxiety and depression, inflammatory bowel illness, and cancer. The genetic makeup of a person and their environment are also thought to play a role in developing the condition.

Psoriasis is not curable, but there are ways to control the symptoms. You can use creams and ointments to remove scales and reduce itching. Another treatment is light therapy, which uses artificial sunlight in order to reduce the growth of skin cells and improve appearance. Oral medications such as methotrexate or cyclosporine can be used to reduce inflammation and slow down the growth of new skin.

Psoriasis is not curable, but treatment can reduce symptoms and improve your quality of life. Avoid triggers and stick to your treatment plan. Avoid scratching the patches, as this could lead to an infection. Speak to your doctor if you are concerned about your symptoms or have any questions.
If you would like to speak with a Doctor who is an expert in the field or has Australian training, please contact us. Book an online Telehealth consultation. We are always here for you, 24/7. Contact info@clinicall.com.au.