In America, anxiety affects 40 million adults. Anxiety can be caused or worsened by environmental and lifestyle factors, as well as genetic predisposition. It is not clear what causes anxiety. Scientists disagree on the exact causes of anxiety. Some believe genetics are involved, while others agree that environment and certain behaviours play an important role.
Anxiety symptoms can be difficult to control, especially if they persist and are uncontrollable. There are several treatments for anxiety disorders. Psychotherapy or talk therapy and medication are two of the treatments available. The medication for anxiety helps control physical symptoms. Therapy reduces negative thinking patterns and beliefs that are self-defeating. The combination of both works for most people who suffer from anxiety.
If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical care.
A constant feeling of fear or dread about something that is unlikely to occur. An excessive amount of worrying interferes with daily activities and life. Anxiety can cause difficulty sleeping. Inability to concentrate or focus at school or work. It is difficult to express emotions such as sadness or fear.
It can be caused by many conditions, illnesses or medications. A doctor will perform tests to rule-out a medical condition that could be causing symptoms. In the event that no medical condition is discovered, the doctor may refer the patient to an expert in mental health such as a psychologist or psychiatrist for treatment.
No single test can diagnose anxiety. The doctor will ask the patient questions and examine them to determine if the symptoms are consistent. The doctor will review the patient’s health history, and check for family histories of mental illness and genetic tendencies toward anxiety.
After a diagnosis has been made, a number of treatment options are available. Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), psychoeducation, and exposure response prevention are some of the most efficient treatment methods. CBT is an example of talk therapy which helps patients learn new ways to think, act and behave in order to reduce anxiety. The exposure response prevention technique is used to gradually expose the patient to situations they would otherwise avoid, and to encourage them to face their fears. Psychoeducation is a set of sessions in which the patient learns more about anxiety. For example, the fight-or flight response and relaxation techniques.
Changes in your daily routine may also reduce it’s symptoms. Exercise regularly and eat well. Avoid substances like nicotine from cigarettes and caffeine which can exacerbate symptoms. Avoid alcohol and other drugs and seek support from family and friends. Use relaxation and stress-management techniques like mindfulness, meditation or yoga. If you can’t get an appointment with a GP, contact an Improving Access to Psychological Therapies service in your locality.
If you would like to speak with a Doctor who is an expert in the field or has Australian training, please contact us. Book an online Telehealth consultation. We are always here for you, 24/7. Contact
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