
Causes of Osteoporosis


Osteoporosis occurs when the bones weaken and are more prone to breaking. The bones are composed of living tissue containing calcium and phosphate. The body continually reabsorbs and builds new bones. This process is balanced in healthy individuals. This process makes the bones stronger and denser over time. Osteoporosis is caused when bone tissue breaks down faster than new bone tissue can be formed. Small holes in the bones are formed as the bone breaks down. These holes cause the bone to become softer and more dense. Osteoporosis can cause fractures in the hip, spine, and wrist bones. These fractures can cause severe pain and limit your ability to move. Although the risk of osteoporotic breaks increases with age it can occur at any age. 

Osteoporosis patients may not feel their bones breaking, and they may not even know that they have the disease until they suffer a fracture such as a vertebral or backbone fracture. The silent disease, Osteoporosis can be referred to as a person who does not show any symptoms before a fracture occurs. It can be caused by a fall, sneezing, or even minor bumps. Around 20 percent of those who suffer a broken hip as a result of osteoporosis will die within a year. Immobility, and the need for long term care in nursing homes are other complications.

Osteoporosis: Causes and Treatment

Osteoporosis can be caused by a number of factors. They include: Lack of vitamin D and calcium – These minerals are essential for healthy bones. Deficiency symptoms aren’t always visible, but they can be treated with a healthy lifestyle and vitamins and supplements.

Menopause: Oestrogen, the female hormone that is responsible for bone strength, is essential during menopause. Women’s oestrogen drops rapidly during menopause. This increases the risk of osteoporosis. This is especially true for women who undergo a hysterectomy (where the ovaries have been removed) or an ovariectomy (nipple-removal).

Other medical conditions: Some diseases and treatments can cause osteoporosis. Some of these include: Certain medicines – These include antibiotics that are used to treat certain infections such as Lyme Disease; cancer treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy; blood disorders such as Multiple Myeloma, and bariatric surgeries or eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia.

Treatment of Osteoporosis

A healthy lifestyle is the best way to avoid osteoporosis. It is important to eat a healthy diet, get enough calcium and vitamin-D through food and supplements, and exercise regularly, as directed by your doctor. Osteoporosis medications can improve your life and reduce the risk of fractures. Speak to your doctor about the best medicine for you. The best osteoporosis medicine for you will depend on a number of factors, including how much bone loss you have experienced and your age. Your doctor may recommend surgery to repair a fractured bone or straighten a curled spine.

If you would like to speak with a Doctor who is an expert in the field or has Australian training, please contact us. Book an online Telehealth consultation. We are available 24/7. Contact info@clinicall.com.au