
How to Treat Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation Treatment

Premature Ejaculation is a sexually-transmitted condition that can be uncomfortable for both partners. PE may be a sign of a sexually-transmitted infection, or it could be the result of other factors such as alcoholism and inflammation of your prostate gland. Fortunately, PE can be treated with medication and behavior therapy.

Men with PE should seek treatment as it can affect their sexual health and relationships. Men often avoid discussing this problem with their doctors because they are embarrassed or ashamed. A health care provider with a specialisation in sexual problems is a good choice because they have the training to handle these issues.

Your doctor will perform a physical examination and ask about your medical and sexual history. Your doctor may also perform additional tests if you have difficulty getting or maintaining an erection.
Psychotherapy is used to treat many people with PE. Psychotherapy helps you to learn how to change the way you think and feel about sexual activity, and can also help build confidence and self-esteem. This treatment is particularly effective when the PE is due to psychological factors like depression, anxiety or stress. 

Certain medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine and sertraline can reduce PE. These medications work by affecting brain serotonin levels. This can reduce sexual arousal, and therefore PE. These drugs are not FDA approved for this purpose and can cause other side effects. Before taking these drugs, talk to your urologist.

Topical anaesthetic creams or sprays can be used to temporarily desensitise the head of the genital organ. These are available over the counter without a prescription. They work very well to reduce PE. The numbing agent must be removed before sex, and a condom is recommended to prevent the partner from becoming desensitised. The use of lubricants that slow down ejaculation can also be beneficial, but are not as effective.

If it is due to over-excitement, or over-stimulation of the prostate gland, then the PE should disappear by itself in a matter of days. If the problem persists your urologist might prescribe SSRIs for a short time or an antidepressant that has fewer side effects. A behavioural treatment, such as “stop-start”, “squeeze”, or similar techniques may be prescribed. A sex counsellor or relationship counsellor can be useful in some cases. There are also dietary supplements which can boost sexual desire and performance. Most health food stores carry these supplements. These products are often marketed as herbal remedies. However, you should consult your urologist first before using any of them. These herbs can interact with some medications and cause side effects.

If you would like to speak with a Doctor who is an expert in the field or has Australian training, please contact us. Book an online Telehealth consultation. We are always here for you, 24/7. Contact info@clinicall.com.au.